Take a moment to honour the parts of yourself that..

Take a moment to honour the parts of yourself that..

Hey you,

With Father’s Day around the corner, we wanted to take a moment to honour what’s real — the parts of yourself that maybe not everyone gets to see. Not the roles you juggle, the responsibilities, or the expectations, but the person underneath. We know that, somewhere in there, beyond all of life’s demands, lives a guy who’s much more than meets the eye. Maybe it’s been a while since you looked at him.

We’re not here to tell you how to celebrate Father’s Day this year. We’re here to invite you to see yourself, just for a moment, as we see you – as we see all kinds of people. The one who’s funny, flawed, vulnerable, a little wild at heart — even if that part’s kept mostly under wraps. The one who’s laughed at his mistakes and learned from them. The one who, no matter what others think, walks his own path, unafraid to go against the grain.

You may consider this message as a mirror so you can see what we see. We believe there’s more to being a father, and more to you, than anyone else could define.

So, this Father’s Day, let’s celebrate the child still within, and the wisdom that comes from holding onto the best parts of both worlds. Maybe this is not the typical Father's Day message, but neither is this about the “typical” dad. It’s about you.

In honour of the fathers who dare to be authentic, who are still learning, still growing, and still dreaming, we celebrate with you.