Becoming is better than being

Let's live while we're still alive.

Summer night, on the other hand, is a perfect way to live life to the fullest.

According to the story, a young man enjoys a summer night in excellent company so much that the outfit carefully chosen the night before becomes unnecessary. And since the most pleasant place to officially wake up to a new day is ultimately your own bed, you also have to get there. As the sun rises, the plan is put into action. Only on the street does the man realise that he left without clothes, keys, phone and wallet. On the other hand, when you let others see yourself as you are, interesting encounters with fellow human beings arise.

It could happen to anyone. And it has happened.

Yellow colour symbolises warmth, light, sun and hope. It encourages, cheers up and also improves resilience - the ability to face adversity. It communicates joy, openness and sincerity. These qualities are in demand throughout life. With these pictures, everything good can be stored in memory, from which it can be dug out when it's dark around. The sun will rise tomorrow too, even if you can't see it.

When I was younger, I was avoiding new things. I'm still not very old, but now I've decided to say yes to everything. You have to live such a life that there is enough to remember.” – Mikko, 22

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